Friday, October 1, 2010


I present the lovely, Miss June Ambrose, Celebrity Stylist
10/01/10 via Twitter

"Flyy or Bye" Tyra Banks

French Vogue celebrated their 90th Anniversary with a masquerade themed party and asked guest to come dressed accordingly.  This is what Tyra Banks came up with...

photo by Tony Barson
Apparently, she looked all around France for the perfect mask, but to no avail, thus leading her to make her own.
Here's what she said on her Twitter :"So, when I couldn't find a mask for FRENCH VOGUE 90th ANNIVERSARY Masquerade Party, I made my own!"

from her twitter
She sounds really proud of her self...
Oh, and she did her hair and makeup herself.
What do you guys think? "Flyy or Bye?"

Burrrr....Where's my (faux) Fur?

Summer is officially over and it's starting to get cool outside. I personally love this time of the year (along with Spring) mainly because of the colors associated with Fall, and the fact that I can wear all of my jackets and boots. Soon, Winter will sneak up on us and we don't want to get caught freezing out buns off, now do we? There are some things that just never go out of style in my book. Leopard print is number 1 and fur is number 2.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

L.A.M.B. Spring 2011 RTW

 OMGsh! I just love Gwen Stefani and almost everything she does. And this year she did not disappoint. For her Spring collection, she dazzled the crowd with bright, African and Caribbean inspired pieces.
Courtesy of

Friday, September 3, 2010

"I know my parents love me..."

Some of the cast of "A Different World"
My all time favorite show is "A Different World" the spin-off of "The Cosby Show". I personally love that show because the cast looks like me, and face the same struggles that I have and speak about important topics in each show, all while being hilarious.

Men Lie, Women Lie

Why do men cheat? Excuse me, correction, why do people cheat? After sitting down and thinking long an hard about that question, the only reason I could come up with was selfishness.

Only a selfish person would put their own wants in front of their partners feelings. Only a selfish person would go out, and seek pleasure (or companionship, or whatever they're looking for) without thinking twice about the outcome of the situation.

I feel that rather than just cheating on someone, you should decide whether you can do without that person. If you can't, then DON'T DO IT. And if you can, at least have the decency to end the relationship before you end up hurting the person beyond repair.

But I forgot, they're selfish, so they will want their cake and eat it, too.

And after the truth comes to light (and the truth ALWAYS comes to light) they constantly lie. I feel that if you are bold enough to step out, then be man (or woman) enough to admit to it.

If you didn't put the pieces together yet, I've been in this situation before. Someone else came to me with the same situation as well and it just pissed me off to know that someone can be faithful for almost 4 years and the next person can't. But I see it as a lesson learned.
I'm just venting right now, but what do you guys think about liars and cheaters?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to Save Yourself from being Stressed Out

Ok so lately I've been absolutely stressed out. For some reason I just feel like I have too much on my plate. So I sat down and thought about why I'm feeling stressed and how I can prevent feeling this way again.

1. Do Not Wait Until The Last Minute ..... for anything. Whether it's a class assignment or dropping a letter in the mailbox, doing this ahead of time will save you a lot of stress and will give you time to fix any problems that occur.

2. Do Not Take On More Than You Can Handle ..... don't do things for people because you want to be "nice" or you want to impress someone. Once there is too much on your plate, you won't be able to do anything right, and that is not impressive.

3. Breathe ..... sometimes you just have to take a chill pill. For those of us in school, after about a hour and a half of studying, take a 15 minute break, you will feel more alert once you start studying again. And for those who feel really stressed and tense just thinking about your job, take 5 minutes to just think about the good things going on in your life, and your mood will get a boost.

4. Pray.... Prayer, while some people don't believe in it really changes things. It lifts burdens off heavy hearts and allows you to talk one-on-one with The Creator. Say a quick prayer every morning giving thanks and the bad things won't seem so bad anymore.

5. Don't Think Your Problems aren't as Serious as other People's ..... when you start thinking that your issues are little compared to others, you tend to ignore them and they just grow bigger...which causes more stress. You can't be the problem solver for everyone so deal with yourself first.

6. Manage your Money .... because there is nothing worse than being 21 (or 31, or 61) with a whole bunch of credit card debt. As a student, credit cards seem like a simple way to get what you want, when you want it. but it's more complicated. If you don't have one and you don't need one, don't get one. Simple. If you have one (or more) try to pay them off every month, and start budgeting. Pay all bills (light, phone, water, credit cards, and any loans, including those from family and friends) before going shopping for things you want but don't need. Trust me, this will save you a lot of stress and give you more sleep time.

7. Exercise..... I don't really exercise (covers eyes with shame) but I've heard that it relieves stress. Hiking, biking, running, yoga, ballet, basketball, soccer...or just go to the gym. Also, dancing is a good way to get the blood pumping and get your mind off things. So grab your girls and turn on your favorite dance album.

8. Save the Drama.... when you have to deal with work, school, and children on an everyday, all day basis, drama is definitely not on the agenda. If you have friends that gossip all the time and have nothing going for them except drama, let them go. And if you are in a unhealthy relationship, let that person go as well. I know it's not easy (trust me, I know) but it's better in the long run. When you don't have to deal with he said/ she said drama or an unfaithful partner, your mind is free from stress which allows you to put positive energy into the things that matter.

So that was my list of things to keep you stress free. I hope it helped! Feel free to add!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Au Naturel Pt 1

Growing up with thick coarse hair, I was the butt of plenty of jokes in elementary school. My mother would not let my sisters and I apply a relaxer to our hair no matter what. After moving with my grandmother, and having no one willing to do my super thick hair in tiny plaits every week, I finally got my dose of the creamy crack. I was either 13 or 14. I'm 21 now.

As an adolescent, it seemed like everyone had a "perm" (a relaxer). And when I got older, weaves were thrown into the mix. Being different, I felt that I wasn't cute and I didn't fit in. But as an adult, it seems that what everyone was trying to achieve (i.e. long, silky smooth, euroccentic locks, baby hairs included) they no longer want it. What I'm saying is that I'm becoming more aware of the natural women around me.

A few months ago one of my sisters shocked my whole family by doing a BC (Big Chop). Now her hair is less that 1inch short. What made her do it was her desire to stop putting chemicals on her hair and scalp because it's not healthy for her hair or her body. Fine.

Now another sister of mine grew her hair natural, cutting off the relaxed ends and wearing box braids, for 2 years. When her her afro was a certain size, she relaxed it. Her goal was to "start over" with the relaxer, taking better care of her hair this time around. Ok.

I just presented you with two people who went natural for two completely different reasons. And I can relate to both. But ultimately, I think I'm going to have to stick with #teamrelaxed.

Honestly, I don't have the courage to leave my house with my own hair in it's natural state. And I'm just going based on my experience from the past. [Note: My hair is natural and has been for about a year, however, weaves, wigs and box braids has been covering up my light brown 'fro]

Solange Knowles, Chrisette Michele, even my big sis Tosha took the plunge to go out in the world au naturel. But would you? Am I making a debate out of nothing? Hmm..

Stay tuned for Pt. 2

Acceptance Denied

So the other day, a guy told me that even though he's been in community college for seven (yes 7, non-stop) years, he's not emotionally ready to graduate and move on to a 4-year university..... O_0

Speaking of school, for the past couple of days, there has been rumors that Mary J. Blige was accepted to Howard University in D.C. and will been entering the class of 2014 for Fall 2010.
Since hearing the news via Twitter, I felt excited for her. I mean, she accomplished a lot in her life, fame and fortune, and I believe it's never too late for education.

Now, here's the thing - a representative from the school denied that any of this is true. I don't see why MJB would lie on national t.v. about something like that...hmmmm....I'm waiting for the outcome...
All in all, I wish MJB the best of luck in all of her educational endeavors :)

Read More at Necole Bitchie's blog

Monday, July 5, 2010

Not My Style...

So do any of you remember Beyonce's clothing line House of Dereon? Yea, me neither. Occasionally, on my way home from classes, I may stop in Dr. Jay's Ladies and there will be a wall of AppleBottom's, Dereon, Rocawear and BabyPhat. I don't even attempt to go in that area. Why? It's just not my style. And it isn't Solange's either.

According to an article in Clutch, Solange is not to fond of her sister's clothing line.
Solange Says House of Dereon Isn’t Her Style Clutch Magazine: The Digital Magazine for the Young, Contemporary Woman of Color
And I don't really blame her. And I'm happy she spoke out about it.

A lot of entertainers start clothing lines that, while they are successful, they aren't very tasteful. I mean, when I buy a pair of jeans i do not want a big apple on my backside. Or a big cat made of rhinestones on the back of a winter jacket.

And what kills me the most is that I don't see these celebs wearing these tacky pieces anyways (oh except Kimora Lee, I gotta give it to her, she wears her BabyPhat jeans lol).
Beyonce claims that some of those nice dresses she wears are Dereon but I have yet to see them in stores. If they're not available to public, what's the point?
Anyways, long story short, these hood fab clothing lines are not my style.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

As I flip those glossy pages....

I love to read magazines.

I will look through other magz but Ebony, Essence, Seventeen, Vogue, and Teen Vogue are the main ones.

As I flip through each glossy page I noticed something: there are NO magazines targeted towards YOUNG BLACK WOMEN.

While I love reading Ebony, Vogue and Essence, some things aren't targeted towards someone in my age range (I'm 21). As a young adult, I would like to read about topics that are more relevant to me, not my older sister (no offense, lol).

Vogue is known to ignore Black models all together but I they're making strides by putting JHud and Michelle Obama on the covers...i guess.

Then comes Seventeen and Teen Vogue. This magazine covers topics like, sex, health, education and fashion (Seventeen on a budget; Teen Vogue high-end). Fine. But most of it is targeted to white girls. Yes, white girls.

Seventeen does waaaaay better at being diverse than Teen Vogue, that I must say. However, they may have an article about hair for black girls and all we see are women like Beyonce (who wears lace fronts and other women with relaxers O_o). We, as black girls, are tooo diverse when it comes to hair/makeup to put us in one category. Sorry.

Then there's Teen Vogue. As a monthly subscriber, I've noticed that the ones that reoccur in the magazines are Rihanna, models Chanel Iman and Jourdan Dunn, Keke Palmer and the one random black model that they put in every spread so it can be diverse. O please. Even in The Teen Vogue Handbook there were like three Black people in the (that's including Chanel Iman).

After reading each magazine every month, I am left with a void. No, really. Because there are soooo many smart, classy, fashionable Black girls out there and no one is giving them a voice. There should be a a magazine target towards Black teens and young adults. Maybe even two, to separate the two age groups. There we can discuss things that are universal to girls (i.e. boys, clothes, friend drama, and school) and things that are unique in the Black community (i.e. hair styles for natural girls, skin issues, whether or not to attend an HBCU).

I think it would be great if Essence or Ebony started their own little-sister magazine. But why wait? I should start one myself.....

Until next time,


Monday, May 31, 2010

All Done Up

Today I was looking at Clutch Magazine Online when I spotted an article called "Trend Watch: Would You go Earring-less?" Apparently, the writers at Clutch spotted celebrities like Janet Jackson and Estelle going on the red-carpet with bare ears.

Many people left comments saying they could never go with out earrings. One user said she knows she looks better with them. My question is, why are we, as females, afraid to be our natural selves, with no adornments?

Now you can say this is just a simple question about earrings, but its not. We go to the nail shop and get our crystal nails, pedicures, individual lashes, eyebrows plucked, hair weaved, bleached, colored, permed then we weigh our necks and wrists down with chains and bangles, get 1 or 2 holes in each ear, and a cute little tattoo to top it off.....did I miss anything? O_0

Once my BF asked me why did I get my hair done in a glue-in weave (he wants me to get locks). I pointed out that I liked the look. [The look being a close cropped cut without the cutting of your own hair that you can't get with a sew-in]. He then said, "hair weaves are expensive. Glue pulls out your hair. Fake eyelashes pull out your real lashes and fake nails damage your real ones. Ya'll girls complain about these things but you guys do it to yourself."

What my point is, is that underneath all these things we are hiding ourselves. But why? One can say it's self hate. That we don't appreciate the skin we're in so we do all these things to ourselves to make ourselves "pretty". You can also say it's society forcing us to be this way. With all the light-skin, long-haired, made up blacks girls with euro centric features on every advertisement, music video, and television show. Who's to blame?

Or who is to say that there is a problem? What makes a woman wanting to make herself [more] attractive, wrong? That's something to think about.

I do not hate myself.

But I go and primp, pluck, paint and perm.

I know I shouldn't but I'm a victim. Yes, a victim. To this notion that we aren't cute enough, girly enough. Than without lipstick and hair weaves we are just Plain Janes. But until I can get out of this bad habit, I will continue to get myself all done up.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lovers Rock

So I've been having this weird thing going on with me where I'm listening to musical artist that I wasn't interested in before. My current obsession? Sade.

You think I'd leave your side baby?.... You know me better than that.

When I hear her voice two things come to mind; black velvet and my boyfriend :)

I can listen to her alto all night, her words taking me to this place

For those of you who are looking for good, quality music, look no further than Ms. Sade

Monday, May 17, 2010

O Baby

Lately there's been some controversy over Sandra Bullocks's adoption of baby Louis, an African American boy from New Orleans.

I've seen people comment on different sites that Bullock [as a white, single female] will not be able to raise Louis be able to deal with society, who is clearly against the Black male. But isn't it better for her to raise him than for him to age out of the cruel foster-care system?

For years, we've seen celebrities toting around the "token Black child" in designer clothes. At one point, I saw it as a trend. But what about the middle and upper-middle class white couple looking for a chocolate baby to call their own? We would be dead wrong to say their intentions are wrong and that they shouldn't adopt children of color. Actually, I applaud them. While they may not be able to deal with issues that a Black child may face (i.e. racial comments from white school-mates, identity issues, stereotypes, hair) they have their hearts in the right place, providing a brighter futures for these children.

Now what about the Black folks? Are there any Black couples stepping up to the plate? The answer is a definite yes, but at what rates? While I was reading the June 2010 issue of Ebony magazine (the one with Niecy Nash on the cover) there was an article highlighting adoption [The Chosen Ones p. 68 by Corynne L. Corbett]. According to one private adoption agency, only one third of adoptions are by Black familes. The article also notes that, in major U.S. cities, the percentage of Black chilredn in foster-care can be up to 90%. NINETY PERCENT.

And that's in the United States.

Children overseas, while it may not be someones first choice, needs to be adopted, too. After the earthquakes shook Haiti, thousands of children were left parent-less. And who hopped on a plane to pick up one, two and even three children to call their own?

Please don't get me wrong. I'm ot saying that Whites should not adopt Black children. Nor am I saying that Blacks don't adopt. What I am saying is that instead of complaining that White couples always have a Black or Asian baby with them, step up.

I've never seen a Black person with a White child. And I'm sure we all know why. As Rev. Al Sharpton once said, " Jim Crow is no longer around. Instead we have his son James Crow II, Esquire." But that's a whole new topic.

I hope that people will be more open-minded and consider adopting and those that already did, will spread the word.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hello Guys &nd Dolls,

It's almost been a month since I've posted and now I'm back. I've been REALLY busy with school and as you college kids know, the end of the semester is a KILLER!

Currently, I'm at a CC and I only have 5 classes left to take before transferring to a university. I'm going to bust those out this summer and be on my way :)

So basically my summer will be spent in the hot rooms (------O SHOOTS! one of the windows key popped off my keyboard,*sigh*----like i was saying) of ECC instead of cooling w/ friends and fam, o well, gotta do what I gotta do, right?

I will, however, try to post something every other day or so. There's so many things in this world I'm interested in, that my blog is not in one specific category. Maybe somewhere down the line I may have a focal point but until then, it's just the random thoughts of Ms. LeonaDee ;)

Until Next Time

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dropping In..

Hey guys...I only have one more month in school and its getting quite hectic. It's crazy how a professor will give you tons of assignments knowing you're taking other courses. Who am I kidding...that's college for ya. But honestly, I'm stressed. I'm trying to transfer out to a university..(I'm in community college now) and I'm getting hassled every in every way. To top that, I found out I have to come back in fall for ONE COURSE....ugghhh

Sorry for venting....

Soon as I can find some free time I will keep on posting

-with love, LeonaDee

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Denim &nd Books

Ok so today I went to the mall and hit up two of my favorite stores...h&m and barnes&noble.
From b&n I bought 3 books:

1. Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez
2. Shining Thread of Hope by Darlene Clark Hine & Kathleen Thompson
3. Black Bourgeoisie by E. Franklin Frazier

I cant wait to start the first book!

and from h&m....
One was $34.95 and the other was $29.95...but both were $15 off...what a steal! lol..I also bought a few accessories.. was lovely at 67 degrees....spring is here and I'm loving it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Love these Forever 21 rompers. Both under $30.00

Sad News

I just heard that one of the members of my church passed. its crazy because i just saw him the other week...he was funny full of energy and loved by many....R.I.P Bro Day

Friday, March 12, 2010


I know im soo late but i just made a Twitter account...ahhh follow me!

the subscriber you have called...

Lady Gaga &nd Beyonce...I ask only one question...WHY?

I hate this video...
I heard the song a couple of times on the radio but the video turned me all the way off...
Lady Gaga I expect something like this from you but Bey? smh...not a good look

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Ok, so when I was in elementary school, no one wanted to be caught dead in Payless shoes, or as some say 'jeepers'. Now it seems that Payless is where it's at.

For a while now, Payless has been collaborating with designers such as Lela Rose, Alice + Olivia, and Christian Siriano, of Project RunwayBold fame.

When browsing the website, I noticed that shoes that were once $19.99-$24.99 are now $29.99 and up!

Don't get me wrong, I will buy a good pair of shoes (i.e. heels) for $40, $50, $60 and up, but at Macy*s, Aldo's or Nine West. But Payless? Personally, I feel that the quality of the shoes, while sometimes cute, aren't up to par. That is why when, and if, I buy a pair it has to be on clearance for at least $10....that's all they're worth.

Now, my question is, would you buy a pair of Christian Siriano shoes? Now would you pay $79.99? Ok..what if they were sold at Payless?

Well that's what they are selling. Apparantly these shoes are so "exclusives" and are online only. They remind me of something the late Alexander McQueen would design, with a few in classic shapes for about $34.99.

Long story short, is it worth the $79.99? Is it good quality? I don't know but I think they're cute, lol.

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May the best (wo)Man win!

Ok so season 2 of RuPaul's Drag race is on and poppin' and I must say I'm torn about the (coughs) ladies...

FIRSTLY, who gave Mystique Summers Madison permission to walk around in those outfits...doing those HORRIFIC splits....somebody help me plzzz..

Shangela....even though she was an amatuer, Mystique should not stayed longer than her (shakes head)... love L.O.V.E...she is soooo sassy! (who says that,lol) But she is just so hilarious cuz the cat NEVER has her tough,,,and she's funny, too..

Pandora Boxx....its something about her eyes tht kinda weirds me out....hmmmm

OK now I think the winner will either be Raven orrrrrrr my girl Tyra Sanchez. Everyone keeps calling her a b**** but idc...i love her...both ladies always perform great, lovely outfits, stunning make-up, and Tyra's pompadour is just so cute...

Well, I didn't forget the other girls....they just either bore/annoy me

Anyways, tune in on Monday night's at 10 (I think, I'm recording the whole season and its set...) on LOGO.

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